ISonto leviki lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu

Sekuwusuku lwesithathu uJesu afa. Sekudlule iSabatha elinomunyu, sekuyisikhathi sokuqedela usiko lokugcwaba bese siqeda ukufunda kwethu ngezigameko ezenzeka ngeViki Lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu. (umaka okanje* ukhombisa ukuthi isahluko lapho izigameko zalolusuku zibekwe ngokulandelana, okulula ukuba ufunde kuso) Ithuna litholakala selingenamuntuMathewu 28:1-8; Makhu 16:1-8; Lukha 24:1-12*; Johane 20:1-10 Kepha ngosuku lokuqala lweviki, kusantwela ezansi,

Passion Week – Sunday

It is the third day since Jesus died. With the mournful Sabbath having passed, it is time to complete the burial customs and complete our reading of the events of the Passion Week of our Lord Jesus Christ. (The * indicates a complete reading of the events without any repetition)

UMgqibelo weviki lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu

UMgqibelo wonke akwenzekanga lutho njengoba kwakuwu suku lweSabatha. Kwakuwusuku lokudabuka okukhula kubona bonke ababekholwa kuJesu. Lokhu kwakufanele kube usuku lokubuyekeza okubanzi kwalabo abakholwayo. Kwakuwusuku lokucabangisisa kahle ukuthi kungani uJesu kwafanela ukuba afe. UJesu akafanga nje ngezandla zombuso wezepolitiki ohlanganise amaRoma nabaJuda. UJesu wafa ngokwecebo likaNKulunkulu ukuphumelelisa insindiso yabo bonnke ababezakukholwa

Passion Week – Saturday

All of Saturday nothing happened as it was the Sabbath. It was a day of great mourning for all those who had believed in Jesus. SATURDAY This should have been a day of deep reflection for the believers. It was a day to contemplate exactly why Jesus had to die.

ULwesihlanu weviki lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu

Lolusuku luqala ekuseni kakhulu ngokuqhubeka kobusuku bangayizolo. Luphela ngokugcwatshwa kukaJesu Khristu ( uma unesifiso sokuyifunda kabanzi lendaba, funda zonke izahluko, uma ufisa ukufunda kafushane landela izahluko ezinomaka*) UJesu ulwethwa ukuzothetha icala phambi kweSahindriniMathewu 27:1; Makhu 15:1; Lukha 22:66-71* Kuthe sekusile, kwaqoqana umkhandlu wamalunga abantu, abaphristi abakhulu, nezazimthetho, bamyisa esigcawini somkhandlu wabo omkhulu, bathi:

Passion Week – Friday

This day starts early in the morning with a continuation of a very busy night. It ends with the burial of Jesus Christ. (If you want to read the account in detail, read all the passages, otherwise simply follow the events as marked with an *) FRIDAY Jesus is brought

ULwesine weviki lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu

Usuku ngaphambi kokubethelwa esiphambanweni kukaJesu. Izigameko eziningi zalolusuku zenzeka sekuntambama okwenza ukuba ukuqulwa kwecala kuze kungenele kwizintatha kusa zangoLwesihlanu. Funda izigameko zalolusuku uqaphele ukuthi uJesu wayazi ukuba yini esizomehlela. ( Landela amavesi amakwe ngo* ukuze ufunde kafushane) UJesu uthumela abanye babafundi ukuyolungisa isidlo sePhasikaMathewu 26:17-20; Makhu 14:12-17; Lukha 22:7-16* Lwase lufika usuku

Passion Week – Thursday

It is the day before the crucifixion of Jesus. Most of the events of this day occurred after hours which made for a long night into the early hours of Friday. Read the events of this day knowing that Jesus knew what was about to happen. (Follow the verses with

ULwesithathu weviki lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu

Sekusele amahora angama-36 ukuba uJesu akhaphelwe, wathatha lolusuku olugcwele ukwenza inkonzo yokushumayela iVangeli. ULwesithathu weViki lokuBethelwa Kwakhe ugcwele isifundiso ngokukholwa, ubuNkulunkulu Bakhe, kanye nokuvikela iQiniso ephendula labo ababe ngabagxekayo. Leli yithuba lokugcina lokucacisa iVangeli kubantu. UJesu ufundisa isifundo ngokukholwa esisusela kwisihlahla somkhiwane esasesibunileMathewu 21:19-22; Makhu 11:20-26* Ngakusasa ekuseni badlula bawubona umkhiwane

Passion Week – Wednesday

With Jesus’ betrayal less than 36 hours away, Jesus takes this last full day of ministry to preach the Gospel. The Wednesday of the Passion Week is packed with lessons on faith, His own divinity, and multiple defenses of the Truth in response to the attacks of the critics. It