Ukusiza abanye ngalokho osukwazi futhi osukwenza

Helping other with what you know and practice Eminyakeni yokuqala yokusabalala  kweVangeli leNkosi uJesu Khristu abantu abaningi ababeqhamuka kwizimpilo ezibhedayo basindiswa. Izimpilo zabo zashintsha. Olunye loshintsho lwenzeka ngaso lesosikhathi, olunye loshintsho lweza ngemuva ngomzalazo omude wokulwa nemikhuba emdala. Kodwa Iqiniso lelo abalizwa lakhiqiza ushintsho olwase lukubona. Iningi labo abazange baba

Helping Others from What You Already Know and Practise

In the early years of the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ many people from very messed up lives came to salvation. Their lives changed. Some of the change happened immediately; some of the change came through a long battle against old habits. But the Truth that they heard