Umdala Wezinsuku

The Ancient of Days Kathathu encwadini kaDaniyeli 7 uNkulunkulu ubizwa “NgoMdala Wezinsuku”. Lesisisho sihlanganisa iphakade likaNkulunkulu esikhathini esesadlula kanye nokuhlakanipha Kwakhe okuphelele ukufaneleka ukwahlulela umhlaba. Ngisabheka,kwahlala omdala wezinsuku; izambatho zakhe zazimhlophe njengeqhwa, izinwele zekhanda lakhe zinjengoboya bezimvu obuhlanzekileyo; isihlalo sakhe sobukhosi sasingamalangabi omlilo, Umnonjana womlilo wavela,amasondo aso engumlilo ovuthayo. waphuma

The Ancient of Days

Three times in Daniel 7, God is referred to as “The Ancient of Days”. This phrase combines God’s eternality into the past with His perfect wisdom to be qualified to judge the world. As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat; his clothing was white

Osomathuba bemisebenzi emihle

Opportunists for good works Njengalokhu isisho sisho “yakhela ngamaqubu enye”. Ngenxa yesiqalekiso sesono kulomhlaba, abaningi balahlekelwa abathandiweyo babo, yindlela yokungena kwemali ekhaya, kanye nokuba nokuthula. Kodwa futhi khona kunjalo, kuhlezi kukhona osomathuba abafuna ukuzuza ngokukhathazeka kwabanye ngezimo zempilo nezinhlupheko zabanye. Amakhrestu angosomathuma ngesikhathi sezinhlupheko, kodwa hhayi ngokwezindlela zobugovu zalelizwe. Amakhrestu

Opportunists for Good Works

As the idiom says, “one man’s loss is another man’s gain”. Because of the curse of sin in this world, many lose their loved ones, sources of income, and sense of peace. But at the same time, there are always opportunists seeking to gain from the paranoia and suffering of

Empeleni yini uNkulunkulu ayilawulayo

Exactly what is God all in control of Ubunkulunkulu bukaNkulunkulu buyincazelo eyanele yokuba yilowo obusayo, kodwa uNkulunkulu ophilayo weqiniso akasiye kuphela unkulunkulu onezindawana ezithile azengamele. UNkulunkulu ulawula yonke into qobo. Inkulumo eqondile yalokho iHubo 115:3 UNkulunkulu wethu usezulwini;Wenza konke ngokuthanda kwakhe. IHubo115:3 UNkulunkulu ukhombisa ngobufakazi ukulawula Kwakhe okwengamele phezu kukaSathane

Exactly What Is God All in Control of?

God’s god-ness is already a sufficient explanation for being a very sovereign being, but the true living God is not only a god with some areas of sovereign control. God is in control of absolutely everything. The simplest statement of it is Psalm 115:3 Our God is in the heavens;He does all that

KwabaseRoma 12:20 Umqondo ophikisa ukuziphindiselela

Romans 12:20 The opposite of taking revenge KwabaseRoma 12:19 bayasinqabela ukuthi siziphindiselele. KwabaseRoma 12:20 basinikezela esingakwenza esikhundleni sokuzithathela thina impindiselelo. Kepha-ke:“Uma isitha sakho silambile, siphe sidle;uma somile, siphuzise, ngokuba ngokwenza lokho, uyakube ufumbela amalahle avuthayo ekhanda laso.” KwabaseRoma12:20 UJesu wafundisa okufanayo kuMathewu 5:43-48, kodwa lawangamagama athathelwa ngqo kulokho abazalwane abahlakaniphile

Romans 12:20 The Opposite of Revenge

Romans 12:19 forbids Christians from taking revenge. Romans 12:20 gives us the replacement action when tempted to take revenge. To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Romans 12:20 Jesus

Ukulunga kusukela ngaphakathi kuya ngaphandle

Righteous from inside out Khona owake wathi sonke isenzo esiyisono umkhondo waso ungalandelelwa ufike kumcabango owodwa oyisono. Lokhu nje kuyindlela ebeka ngokuhlukile mazwi uMsindisi wethu awafundisa ( Makhu 7:20-23). Okulinganayo nalokho okuyiqiniso ngokufanayo ukuthi uma ungaba nemicabango elungile, ungabe uzisindise kwizenzo ezingalungile eziningi. Amacebo abalungileyo angubulungiswa Izaga12:5 Ubuhle bokuziphatha okuhle

Righteous from the inside Out

Someone once said that every sinful action can be traced back to at least one sinful thought. This is merely a rephrasing what our Saviour taught (Mark 7:20-23). The equally true counterpart is that when you can have just thoughts, you would have spared yourself many unjust actions. The thoughts