Getting in, and out, of trouble UNkulunkulu wadala umhlaba wabamuhle kakhulu. Ensimini yaseEdeni ayikho into eyayingalungile futhi ingekho into embi. Akekho owayona, okekho owayebhekana nenhlupheko, akekho owayezwa ubuhlungu, akekho owayezoda. Alukho uhlobo lwenkinga olwalukhona. Kungubufakazi obusabala ukuthi yonke onto enhle emhlabeni ivela kuNkulunkulu omuhle kakhulu ( Ihubo 119:68). Kwaseke, ngeqiniso
Getting in, and out, of Trouble
God created the world “very good”. In the Garden of Eden there was nothing wrong and nothing bad. Nobody sinned, nobody suffered, nobody hurt, nobody hated. There was no trouble of any kind. It is the obvious evidence that everything good in this life comes from a very good God